Medicare Part A

Medicare Part A is for inpatient hospital care, hospice, some skilled nursing facilities, and some health care in other facilities.  Part A is free for most Americans. What's Covered by Medicare Part A? Medicare Part A covers a large variety of medical services that are considered necessary to treat a disease or condition. We like to think of Medicare Part A as hospital insurance. Medicare part A … [Read more...]

Medicare Insurance Is Now A Reality For Baby Boomers

The first wave of Baby Boomers begin turning 65 in January 2011. This means that if you are one of these Baby Boomers you will be signing up for Medicare insurance for the first time. It can be a complex and frustrating process that could cost you time and money, if you make mistakes or wrong choices. Medicare Insurance has four parts: A, B, C and D. Part A covers in-hospital stays and has … [Read more...]